Edwards Family Recipe Box

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Green Chile Burros

By: Joy Schantz
Recipe History: Daughter Karrie recalled that I made this recipe after Thanksgiving with turkey.

Place 1-1/2 to 2 cups leftover roast, turkey, etc. into a heavy skillet
Cover with water (2 cups at least)
Add 1 large thin-sliced onion
1 4-oz can chopped green chiles
2 tblsps hot sauce or  salsa
Simmer covered for 20 minutes, or until meat falls apart and onion is well cooked
Season with salt to taste
Mix 3 tblsps flour or corn starch with cold water to make a paste
Add to hot mixture for thickening
Simmer uncovered another 5 minutes
Serve inside a dry-heated flour tortilla, folded and rolled. Enjoy!

Hint: For red chile, add an 8-oz can tomato sauce to mixture.

 Directions: Tip: (if any)

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