Edwards Family Recipe Box

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Joy's Buffalo Chicken Wings

By: Joy Schantz

1 4 to 5 lb pkg frozen chicken wings, thawed
1 4-oz stick butter
1 16-oz bottle Ken's Chicken Wing Marinade
Salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 375.
Cut tip off of each wing, and cut into 2 pieces.
Wash chicken pieces, and pat dry.
Place pieces in a single layer on a large rimmed cookie sheet.
Sprinkle pieces with paprika, salt and pepper.
Bake 20 minutes.
Drain grease from cookie sheet.

Meanwhile, melt stick of butter in saucepan.
Add marinade to melted butter and stir well.
Brush wings with sauce, and bake 10 minutes.
Turn wings over, brush with sauce, and bake another 10 minutes.

Makes 30-40 pieces. Enjoy!

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